
Former Staff (from May 2004 - Oct 2016 )
Results 1 to 6 of 6 (Sorted by date)
Conference Proceeding
Conference Summary International Conference on Adaptation and Loss and Damage: Integrating Scientific Aspects 30-31st August 2013, Bangkok, Thailand
The international community has progressively reached at a consensus that there will be residual impacts associated with climate change despite implementing adaptation and greenhouse gas mitigation and that there is a need to address these impacts in research and development efforts. Recognizing the importance of loss and damage, the COP18 that met...
Peer-reviewed Article
In IRES Vol.7 No.1
Governments are increasingly involving local communities and non-governmental organizations in the management of natural resources. The ways in which different stakeholders are involved varies from being consulted to taking a central role in planning and monitoring, andinfrequentlybeing given the legal right to manage resources. There can be many...
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