Slow-onset Events

Results 1 - 1 of 1 (Sorted by date)
Book Chapter
In Linking Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Loss & Damage
Joy Jacqueline Pereira
Juan M. Pulhin
Nguyen Van Thang
Chhinh Nyda
Dannica Rose G. Aquino
Pham Thi Thanh Nga
Nguyen Dang Mau
Dang Quang Thinh
Tran Thanh Thuy
Slow-onset events such as increasing temperature, desertification, loss of biodiversity sea-level rise, and forest degradation constitute a significant part of climate change impacts that demand greater attention. Among these, ASEAN member states (AMS) are seriously concerned about sea-level rise and loss of biodiversity that can have important...