영국 환경교육 -- 저탄소사회구현을 위한 정책 및 수행프로그램을 중심으로

In A Comparative Study on Environmental Education between Countries toward Low-carbon, Green Growth
Chapter: 2009
Book Chapter

A Comparative Study on Environmental Education between Countries toward Low-carbon, Green Growth
This study aims for reference to build the future environmental education policy in
Korea, by comparing and understanding recent trends in environmental education in
various countries related intimately with Korea. Research has been carried out from
February to November 2009.
Research staffs made a comparative study to grasp and analyze the trends in EE
between foreign countries according to the contents in Section II after collecting papers
from authors selected in Asia-Pacific region, Europe and America.
The researchers and the consultants were organized with experts who studied
environmental education or people who well experienced in environmental education in
each country involved in this research project.
