Symposium “Transformative and Behavioral Changes towards Nature-Positive Society”


IGES is co-hosting the Symposium “Transformative and Behavioral Changes towards Nature-Positive Society”, which will be held online by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan, on Monday 26 February, 2024.

Ecosystems supported by rich biodiversity are the foundation of our society, economy, livelihoods and culture, providing a variety of benefits and contributing to human well-being. According to a report published by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), approximately one million species are currently threatened with extinction worldwide, and it is pointed out that "transformative change" in economic, social, political and technological spheres with cross-sectoral cooperation is required to halt the loss of biodiversity and restore it.

In March 2023, Japan approved its National Biodiversity Strategy 2023-2030, and set a goal to be “Nature Positive by 2030”. The strategy also includes “changing individual behaviour” as one of the basic approaches for its implementation.

This symposium will provide information on Japan’s national strategy and will feature discussions by domestic and international experts on how we can bring about transformative change based on the latest scientific discussions at IPBES, with particular focus on the specifics of transformative and behavioural changes as set out in the national strategy, and what actions are needed to realise these changes.


For further information and details about registration, please check the IGES website: