【ISAP2021】 The 13th International Forum for Sustainable Asia and the Pacific “The Decisive Decade: Towards Integrated Solutions to Climate, Biodiversity and Other Planetary Challenges”

Press Release

24 November 2021, Plenary Sessions (Hybrid)
25 November – 3 December 2021, Thematic Tracks (Online)

The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) will host the 13th International Forum on Sustainable Asia and the Pacific (ISAP2021). Plenary Sessions will be held on Wednesday, 24 November at Pacifico Yokohama, and Thematic Tracks will be held online from Thursday, 25 November to Friday, 3 December. ISAP is an annual forum held in Japan, featuring a range of discussions on sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific.

The overall theme of ISAP2021 is "The Decisive Decade: Towards Integrated Solutions to Climate, Biodiversity and Other Planetary Challenges". Discussions from various perspectives will focus on what approaches we need to take now for the decade up to 2030, which will be the turning point for realising the transition to a sustainable society.

ISAP2021 webpage: https://isap.iges.or.jp/2021/en/index.html

In the face of COVID-19, many of the world’s decision-makers have demonstrated the kind of commitment to tackle biodiversity and climate change that could inject momentum into the sustainability agenda more generally. There is good reason to “prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems” —not only for nature’s own sake but also because of the key role nature plays in addressing poverty and combating climate change

The most sustainable solutions to the twin challenges of climate change and biodiversity loss involve acting upon their interrelationships with each other and other SDGs. In short, if the decisive decade is to be a distinct turning point, then government agencies, the private sector, civil society, scientists and the public need more integrated approaches to biodiversity and climate change. ISAP will therefore provide a unique platform  for a diverse group of speakers and attendees to offer their perspectives for integrated solutions.


Featured Speakers
Johan Rockström Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Professor in Earth System Science at the University of Potsdam
ISHII Naoko  Executive Vice-President, Professor at the Institute for Future Initiative, Director for the Center for Global Commons, The University of Tokyo
Elizabeth Maruma Mrema Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity
TAKAMURA Yukari Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo, Chair of the Central Environmental Council
TAKEUCHI Kazuhiko President of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

Plenary Sessions:    24 November 2021
Thematic Tracks:    25 November – 3 December 2021

Plenary Sessions:    Pacifico Yokohama and online (Zoom)
Thematic Tracks:    Online (Zoom)

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)

Japanese/English (Simultaneous translation)

Dedicated ISAP Website & Registration

For more information please contact:
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
ISAP2021 Secretariat
E-mail: [email protected] 
TEL: 046-855-3720  FAX: 046-855-3809