IGES is pleased to announce that several members of its research groups were selected as recipients of the "People's Choice Poster Award" at the 13th Biennial International Conference on EcoBalance (EcoBalance 2018, held from 9–12 October in Tokyo). The distinctive prize was given in recognition of their poster presentation entitled "Carbon Footprint from Household Consumption and Exploration of Reduction Potentials for the Paris Agreement Target: A Preliminary Study on Japan and Finland".
Based on an original joint research conducted by Ryu Koide, Policy Researcher, IGES’s Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) Area, Aryanie Amellina, Analyst, Climate and Energy Area, Miho Kamei, Policy Researcher, Strategic and Quantitative Analysis Centre and Lewis Akenji, SCP Programme Director, together with Aalto University in Finland, the project carried out a comparative analysis on the respective carbon footprints associated with household consumption in Japan and Finland, examining the potential of lifestyle changes in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in view of the 1.5 and 2 degree targets of the Paris Agreement. Whereas other recent studies have focused primarily on assessing supply-side mitigation options associated with industries, this research considers demand-side actions and identifies promising practices for minimising carbon footprints.
Click on the link for more information on the EcoBalance 2018 Award.