The Fourth Workshop on 1.5°C Lifestyles in Kitakyushu~Experience a lifestyle that reduces global warming through food!~

29 July 2024 (Mon) 10:00-14:00、During the 10 days between STEP 1 and STEP 3 / 6 August (Tue) from 9:10-16:00、10 August 2024 (Sat) 10:00-14:00

The UN Paris Agreement, adopted by all countries worldwide to combat global warming, aims to limit the rise in average global temperatures to ‘within 1.5°C’ above pre-industrial levels. To achieve this, greenhouse gas emissions, including carbon dioxide (CO2), contribute to global warming, must be reduced to net zero worldwide by 2050. Reaching this ambitious goal requires changes not only in government policies and corporate production systems but also in the consumption behaviour of citizens.

IGES is organising the Workshop on 1.5°C Lifestyles*, a practical event that creates opportunities for individuals to transform their lifestyles to help address the global climate crisis, throughout Japan. This year's event, the fourth in Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, considered lifestyles that reduce greenhouse gases from ‘Food’. In recent years, amidst a growing movement to reflect the voices of the younger generation in society towards solutions to climate change and other global environmental problems, the workshop was co-organised with the Kitakyushu Youth Station and invites students, from junior high school, high school, vocational, universities and postgraduate programmes, who will lead the future of local society, to participate.

Activity reports of the workshop:
The 29 July workshop
The 6 August bus tour and the 10 August workshop

The workshop comprises the following three steps.
STEP1: Through lectures by environmental experts, students learn about global warming, the goals of the UN Paris Agreement and the options they can make in their own lives. They also hear from young people of the same age about activities to combat food loss.
STEP2:From the ‘1.5°C Lifestyle Options Catalogue’, participants try to live a lifestyle that reduces greenhouse gas emissions through food for 10 days. They also visit companies that provide food-related products and services that facilitate the 1.5°C lifestyle and broaden their perspective on society.
STEP3:Based on their learning, participants develop ideas and proposals for a society that realises the 1.5°C lifestyle, with each group making a presentation. Additionally, lecturers from the Fukuoka Prefecture-accredited ‘Food Loss Reduction Meister’ are invited and participants learn cooking and recipes that help reduce food loss and greenhouse gas emissions.

*What is the 1.5°C lifestyle?
The 1.5°C Lifestyle is a lifestyle which will enrich people’s lives while reducing greenhouse gases, the cause of global warming. 1.5°C is the target of the UN Paris Agreement, which aims to limit the increase in the average global temperature to 1.5°C below the pre-industrial levels.

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Event Details

29 July 2024 (Mon) 10:00-14:00、During the 10 days between STEP 1 and STEP 3 / 6 August (Tue) from 9:10-16:00、10 August 2024 (Sat) 10:00-14:00

Kitakyushu Youth Station 
(B1F, Com City, 3-15-3 Kurosaki, Yahatanishi-ku, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka)
Access:Next to JR Kurosaki Station

Kitakyushu Youth Station
Fukuoka Prefecture
City of Kitakyushu
Japanese, English

IGES Kitakyushu Urban Centre

Maehata, Ota
International Village Center 3F, 1-1-1 Hirano, Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu 805-0062 
Tel: 093-681-1563
Email: [email protected]

Presentation Materials

Event Details

Event Schedule

STEP1: Learn, think and share ideas about global warming
29 July 2024 (Mon) 10:00-14:00 Face-to-face workshop (morning) & Cooking class (afternoon)

STEP 2: 1.5°C Lifestyle Challenge at home
During the 10 days between STEP 1 and STEP 3, each participant tried to live a lifestyle that reduces greenhouse gas emissions through food (1.5°C Lifestyle) at home.
In addition, on 6 August (Tue) from 9:10-16:00, a bus tour was organised to visit companies that are developing sustainable food-related businesses in Wakamatsu Ward, Kitakyushu City.

STEP 3: Thinking about a society that realises the 1.5°C lifestyle
10 August 2024 (Sat) 10:00-14:00 Face-to-face workshop (morning) & Cooking class (afternoon)


Kitakyushu Youth Station 
(B1F, Com City, 3-15-3 Kurosaki, Yahatanishi-ku, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka)
Access:Next to JR Kurosaki Station

Kitakyushu Youth Station
Fukuoka Prefecture, City of Kitakyushu
Japanese, English
15 persons
Target group: Junior high school, high school, vocational, university and postgraduate students living in Japan

IGES Kitakyushu Urban Centre

Maehata, Ota
International Village Center 3F, 1-1-1 Hirano, Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu 805-0062 
Tel: 093-681-1563
Email: [email protected]