IGES will organise the "SDGs Global Human Resource Development Program that Connects Learning and Society through Environmental Issues" from July 2024 to January 2025.
This programme is being carried out as part of a UNESCO Activity Grant for FY2024 to build leadership capacity for achieving the SDGs, with funding from Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Participants will first learn about the international SDGs framework and consider the latest environmental discussions regarding SDGs in an introductory session. This will be followed by site visits to SDG model regions in Japan where stakeholders are collaborating to create synergy in both the economy and society by addressing environmental issues. The programme aims to build the capacity of young leaders in a sustainable society, enabling them to fulfil their potential to develop international competencies and take the first steps towards action.
※This programme is a part of the "Kitakyushu SDGs Training" series, which IGES has held five times so far, and is positioned as the 6th SDGs training.
Activity Reports
Introductory Session | Kanagawa Prefecture (23-24 July 2024) | https://www.facebook.com/share/p/14dU8QgpUbU/ https://sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp/news/20240723-24/ | |
Field Training | Kamikatsu Town, Tokushima Prefecture (2-5 September 2024) | https://www.facebook.com/share/p/18HRPTfLmM/ https://sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp/news/20240907/ | |
Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture (6-10 September 2024) | https://www.facebook.com/share/p/14tGpg9VN3/ https://sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp/news/202409013/ | ||
Minamata City, Kumamoto Prefecture (11-13 September 2024) | https://www.facebook.com/share/p/15CphUfyTG/ https://sdgs-kitakyushu.iges.jp/news/20240918/ |
The Participants
Undergraduate and graduate students who belong to the following universities and graduate schools (as of Sep. 2024)
Akita University, Tohoku University, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Rikkyo University, Sophia University, Aoyama Gakuin University, Kyoto University, Doshisha University, Osaka Metropolitan University, Hiroshima Prefectural Eikei University, the University of Kitakyushu, and Nagasaki University.

1.Main Schedule
- ⓪ Orientation: 10-12 July, 2024 (1-hour online, Date to be confirmed according to the participants' preference)
- ① Introductory learning of the international SDGs framework: July 23-24, 2024 (1 night and 2 days in Kanagawa prefecture) Location: International Forum hosted by IGES (Yokohama City), IGES Headquarters (Hayama Town)
- ② Field training to visit three SDGs model regions in Japan (Kamikatsu Town, Tokushima Prefecture, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, and Minamata City, Kumamoto Prefecture) September 2nd to 13th, 2024 (11 nights and 12 days)
- ③ Workshop to reflect and plan a step toward action (2-hour online workshop in October 2024, Date to be confirmed according to the participants' preference) Sometime in October 2024 (date to be decided at a later date)
- ④ A step towards action/reporting session (for each affiliated university/region and overall): Several days between November 2024 and January 2025 (1 hour reporting online or on-site at each participants' affiliated university or community; 2 hour online overall reporting seminar; Dates to be confirmed for participants' preference during November 2024 to January 2025)
2.Participants Requirements
- - Have a desire to be a leader in achieving the SDGs;
- - Have expertise or interest in one of the 17 goals of the SDGs;
- - Have sufficient English proficiency to participate in discussions and exercises in English;
- - Able to participate in all four programme listed above;
- - Commit to organize a reporting session to disseminate learning at the laboratory of the affiliated university;
- - Commit to take an active role in this program, utilizing your special skill and ability, if any. (e.g.: photography, video production, design, planning, writing, SNS posting, etc.)
3. Fees
There is no participation fee. All the cost for transportation, accommodation, visiting fee, etc. during the programme (Start from meeting point to end at departing point) will be covered by the organizer (IGES). However, travel expenses for participation will be partially borne by the participants as follows.
- Programme component ① (Introductory Learning): The participants have to bear the transportation cost to the venue in Yokohama City (Pacifico Yokohama) from your home. However, if the participant live outside of Kanto Region, the organizer will provide the cost for Shinkansen train or airfare to Yokohama.
- Programme component ② (Field Training): The participants have to bear the transportation cost for coming to the meeting point (Okayama Station) from your home, as well as returning to your home from the end point (Hakata Station).
For details, please refer to the application guidelines (PDF)
Event Details
⓪ Online
① 23 July: Pacifico Yokohama (Yokohama City, Kanagawa Prefecture);
24 July: IGES Headquarter (Hayama Town, Kanagawa Prefecture) ② 2-4 September : Kamikatsu Town, Tokushima Prefecture;
5 September: Transfer from Kamikatsu to Kitaikyushu; 6-10 September : Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture; 11-13 September : Minamata City, Kumamoto Prefecture ③ October 2024 (one day: TBD): Online workshop
④ November 2024 – January 2025 (few days in the period) : First step of your action,
reporting session: Online or/and in-person (Your own action plan to be constructed through the program)
IGES Kitakyushu Urban Centre
International Village Center 3F 1-1-1, Hirano, Yahata-Higashi-Ku, Kitakyushu City, JAPAN 805-0062
Tel: +81-93-681-1563
E-mail: [email protected]
Person in charge: Ota, Horizono