Japanese Environmental Technology (Steam Management System) for energy auditors, managers, and Indian industries

November 17, 2021, 15:00 – 16:30 (Japanese standard time) / 14:00 – 15:30 (Indian standard time)

On 17 November 2021 the Kansai Research Centre of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) held an online Training of Trainer program focused on Japanese Environmental Technology, in collaboration with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) in India.

The training was held as a part of activities of the Japan-India Technology Matchmaking Platform (JITMAP) jointly launched by IGES and TERI in 2016 with the support of the Ministry of the Environment of Japan. JITMAP is a platform that aims to promote the transfer and diffusion of low carbon technologies (LCTs) in India. Since 2020, this has included environmental technologies that enhance the functions of JITMAP, making it more effective and sustainable.

The key objectives of the training were to further deepen participants’ understanding of the technologies and the importance of their energy efficiency, and to support the capacity building initiatives of the Indian government. In addition, this training was held in cooperation with the Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA), the Maharashtra Energy Development Agency (MEDA), and the Andhra Pradesh State Energy Conservation Mission (APSECM). Approximately 75 people participated, among them energy auditors, managers, and energy professionals.

During the training, Mr. Takaharu Nakashima, an expert on steam management systems at TLV International, Inc. (TLV), and Mr. Peush Jaitly of TLV PTE LTD., gave lectures that explained important elements of energy auditing and how it can create a better steam system.

Mr. Jaitly explained several benefits of a better steam system, beyond energy efficiency and tackling climate change, such as improving safety, reliability, and profitability. He emphasized three important aspects: knowledge, methodology, and equipment for better energy auditing. In addition, he pointed out that good steam management manages the condensate discharge locations (CDLs) within a plant, and how it is important to look not only at the steam trap but also the associated system when energy auditing. He introduced detailed case studies of a few plants where TLV carried out a steam survey using proprietary equipment called TrapMan, which led to better accuracy, reliability, and traceability.

Mr. Nakashima focused on the Steam System Optimisation Program (SSOP) and explained it by describing a case study undertaken at a petroleum refinery in Muroran, located in Hokkaido, Japan. In the preliminary study, 35 tons per hour (tph) of steam saving potential was identified. Subsequently, the recommended measures were implemented by the company, resulting in steam savings of 31 tph (5% of steam generation). A video demonstration of inspection tools and energy efficiency equipment was made, with some important points for when energy auditors use them.

Event Details

November 17, 2021, 15:00 – 16:30 (Japanese standard time) / 14:00 – 15:30 (Indian standard time)


Maharashtra Energy Development Agency(MEDA)
Andhra Pradesh State Energy Conservation Mission (APSECM)
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Presentation Materials

Session 1: Inaugural Session
15:00-15:10 Welcome Address Mr. Girish Sethi, Mr. Girish Sethi, Senior Director, Energy Program, TERI  
  Presentation Japan-India technology matchmaking platform (JITMAP)
Mr. Toshinori Hamaguchi, Programme Manager, IGES
PDF (915KB)
Session 2: Technical Session 1
15:10-16:00 Lecture

Energy Efficiency on steam systems – Experiences in India and Japan

  • Mr. Takaharu Nakashima, General Manager for India, Latin America, South Africa, Middle East, TLV International, Inc. Japan
  • Mr. Peush Jaitly, General Manager-Country Head (India Operations), TLV PTE LTD. India Liaison Office
Session 3: Technical Session 2
16:00-16:25 Video demonstration

Inspection tools and energy efficiency equipment, Q&A

  • Mr. Takaharu Nakashima and Mr. Peush Jaitly, TLV
Session 4: Closing Session
16:25-16:30 Closing Address Dr. Satoshi KOJIMA, Programme Director, Kansai Research Centre, IGES  

Landscape of the workshop
