Former Staff (from Jun 1998 - Mar 2005 )
Results 1 to 10 of 17 (Sorted by date)
Policy Report
Wetlands are one of the most productive environments in the world. They are the “supermarket” of biological diversity. While wetlands have been dwindled world-wide due to overuse, pollution, conversion into residential use and dumping sites there are also concrete evidences of intensive campaigns under way to conserve and use them wisely. By this...
Policy Report
Wetlands are found in the area where a hydrological regime occurs. Its ecological character depends on spatial and temporal variation of water depth, flow patterns, water quality as well as the frequency and duration of inundation. Some wetlands like the coastal wetland and the marine wetland are often highly dependant on inputs of freshwater. The...
Policy Report
A two-day "Seminar on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Nepal" is the series of advocacy efforts initiated by IGES in cooperation with partners to raise the profile of ESD in the region. The main concern is not on sustainable development as such but on the role of education as a process to contribute meaningfully to achieve the goal of...
Policy Report
Wetlands occur everywhere on the Earth. A good wetland signifies a balanced ecosystem because it is the interface of land, water and air. Wetlands provide food and habitat for terrestrial, aquatic, amphibian and avian animals. So wetlands are an important place. But they are being lost due to natural as well as human actions. The loss of wetlands...
Peer-reviewed Article
In International Review for Environmental Strategies (IRES) Volume 3 Number 1(Summer 2002)
The primary purpose of this paper is to outline how the idea of environmental education has come into use, how it has developed over the last few decades, and what efforts are under way in the Asia-Pacific region in the educational field to reduce environmental deterioration and actually improve the condition of the environment. Internationally...
Policy Report
この報告書は、1998-2000年度に実施されたIGES環境ガバナンスプロジェクトが行ったアジア各国の環境ガバナンス・システムの事例研究に関連した3年間の主要な成果を総合的、かつ簡潔に紹介するためにとりまとめたものである。各章とも和訳あり(一部要旨のみ)。 This Book has been compiled in order to provide a comprehensive yet succinct picture of all the major inputs and outputs of the IGES Environmental Governance (EG) Project (April 1998 - March 2001) as far as they are...
Peer-reviewed Article
In International Review for Environmental Strategies (IRES) Volume 2 Number 2 (Winter 2001)
Book Review: "Environment, Education and Society in the Asia-Pacific: Local Traditions and Global Discourses" David Yencken, John Fien, and Helen Sykes (ed.) Publisher information: London: Routledge, 2001, 360 pp ISBN: 0-415-20581-6 Reviewer: Bishnu B. Bhandari This book is the result of a comprehensive report of an empirical study on the knowledge...
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