IGES Eco Action

IGES is an institute conducting practical and innovative research for realising sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region, and at the same time, we are well aware of the importance of reducing environmental burdens in our daily operations. We have established a committee on Eco Action made up of young researchers, who tackle environmental issues based on our environmental policy such as Sustainability, Our actions, Culture, Local engagement, International collaboration.

Approach to Eco Action21


Eco Action21 certification was granted to IGES Headquarters on 26 March 2012, and to IGES satellite offices (Tokyo Office, IGES-Japanese Center for International Studies in Ecology (JISE), Kansai Research Centre, Kitakyushu Urban Centre) on 17-18 April 2013. All offices were granted certification having been evaluated on their daily environmental actions.

Environmental Policy

1. Sustainability Recognising that the happiness and well-being of future generations rests on our actions today, we will contribute to the aim of realising sustainable development by changing our resource-intensive lifestyles and value systems.
2. Our actions We will demonstrate the principles of sustainable development and our research outcomes by promoting environmentally sustainable, socially acceptable, and economically feasible practices. We will further endeavour to reduce the environmental footprint incurred in carrying out our mission.
3. Culture We aim to advocate the principles of sustainable development by utilising local wisdom and tradition, and respecting gender balance and cultural diversity.
4. Local engagement We promote and participate in local actions with communities and youth, encouraging sustainability and a learning society.
5. International collaboration Through transboundary collaboration, we work to create international communities of practice by sharing ideas and expertise towards sustainable development.

IGES received the Certificate of Appreciation from EcoAction21 Central Office.

IGES received the Certificate of Appreciation from EcoAction21 Central Office.