Toyota City

Toyota City Voluntary Local Review 2022

Toyota City Voluntary Local Review 2022

Toyota City

Toyota City Voluntary Local Review 2022

Insights of the Report

Under the slogan of "Achieving Tomorrow’s Standards" Toyota City is taking on the challenge of realising an "SDGs Future City Toyota" where everyone can enjoy life in a spiritually rich way. The "Tomorrow’s Standards" that Toyota City is aiming for refers to things that will be taken for granted in the future, when we will be approaching a sustainable society. Its future-oriented concept is truly a back-casting idea. Toyota City is promoting advanced efforts to realise this goal. Toyota has received various designations from the Japanese government, including "Eco-Model City" and "SDGs Future City," and has promoted advanced environmental and energy-related initiatives with the cooperation of government financial support and deregulation. Our goal is to create a comfortable, low-carbon lifestyle that is easy, comfortable and without waste. And since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, Toyota City's efforts have clearly taken the SDGs into account, and the philosophy of sustainable urban development has become part of the foundation of the city's policy. The city’s vision for the future is "Connect and achieve a fun city to live in, Toyota". We aim to create a society in which every citizen can enjoy their lives by deepening connections between people, people and regions, people and nature, and by creating diverse values and possibilities while recognising and making the most of one another's efforts. Another characteristic of Toyota City is that all stakeholders, including citizens, private companies and other organisations, are connecting and cooperating with one another to take concrete actions toward achieving the SDGs.

Issued: June 2022
419,048 (Jan,2022)
918.32 ㎢ (Jan,2022)
Level of Government
Local (city, town, village, etc)

City Profile

Toyota City is located in the middle of Aichi Prefecture and it is the largest city in Aichi representing 17.8% of its surface. Toyota is a city of many different faces. In contrast with being the world’s leading manufacturing city, it is endowed with vast lush greenery, with approximately 70% of the area being actually forested, and wide fields and paddies yielding a great variety of agricultural products. Taking advantages of the characteristics of each region, Toyota City aims to provide high satisfaction to a wide range of lifestyles.

The Report and more

The VLR report is available here:
Toyota City Voluntary Local Review 2022