Tampere City

City of Sustainable Action 2022

City of Sustainable Action 2022

Tampere City

City of Sustainable Action 2022

Insights of the Report

The VLR has been prepared by compiling assessments, reports and plans describing Tampere city’s recent activities in relation to the SDGs. The diverse monitoring data collected by the city has also been extensively utilised in the work. The material has been examined in relation to both the SDGs and their sub-targets. The scope of the examination is limited to the City of Tampere Group’s own operations. The VLR has been prepared as a follow-up to the city’s strategy work carried out in 2021. Strategy work was an inclusive process based on diverse information about operating environments and futures knowledge, in which the city’s residents, personnel and stakeholders were extensively involved. Tampere’s first VLR does not seek to review the SDGs in detail, but aims to serve as a starting point for strengthening the broad understanding and the global, intergenerational perspective of sustainable development within the City of Tampere Group.

Issued: June 2022
244,233 (Dec. 2021)
689 ㎢ (Dec. 2021)
Population Density
465 per ㎢ (from land area, Dec. 2021)
Level of Government
Local (ex. city, town, village, etc)
Carbon Emissions
876,200 t-CO2 (2020)
Carbon Footprint per capita
Budget Size
1.081 billion EURO / $1.15 billion USD

City Profile

Tampere is Finland’s third largest city, situated in one of the fastest growing urban areas in the country. Tampere is Finland’s most attractive city, and the sauna capital of the world. The city was established in 1779 and was originally a part of the Kingdom of Sweden. Tampere confirmed its commitment to implementing the 2030 Agenda in November 2021, when the new city strategy was approved by the city council. It was decided that the City of Tampere Group will promote the 2030 Agenda goals through its strategic management system, and that the city will be transparent in assessing, reporting and communicating its actions towards building a more sustainable future.

The Report and more

The VLR report is available here:
City of Sustainable Action 2022