
Sepang Voluntary Local Review 2023

Sepang Voluntary Local Review 2023


Sepang Voluntary Local Review 2023

Insights of the Report

Sepang Municipal Council is committed to elevating community life through meticulous planning, development and services. Sepang views the implementation of the SDGs as pivotal for local progress, specifically addressing challenges amplified by the Covid-19 pandemic. To this end, Sepang collaborates with stakeholders and the community to shape an inclusive and sustainable city, in line with its vision of becoming Clean, Green, Smart, and Sustainable by 2030. The Sepang VLR 2023 is a cornerstone of this strategy. It evaluates Sepang's SDG implementation, casting a comprehensive gaze on its impact and progress. The focus of this year's Sepang VLR 2023 centres on the progress of the five SDGs Champions—SDG 1, 8, 9, 11 and 12—underscored by localised execution. This strategy propels Sepang towards a thriving district characterised by advancement, prosperity and well-being.

Issued: June 2023
324,935 (2020)
599.66 ㎢
Population Density
540 per ㎢
Level of Government
Local (city, town, village, etc)

City Profile

Sepang, located in the southern part of Selangor state, Malaysia, covers 61,900 hectares and is renowned globally for its significant landmarks like Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), Sepang International Circuit (SIC) and Cyberjaya City. Its attractions include natural sites such as Bagan Lalang Beach and Sungai Sepang Besar Mangrove Forest Reserve, contributing to its popularity as a tourist spot in Malaysia. Rapid development has positioned Sepang as a key investment centre in Selangor. About 40% of the area comprises residential, commercial and industrial zones.

The Report and more

The VLR report is available here:
Sepang Voluntary Local Review 2023