New York City
“Voluntary Local Review New York City’s Implementation of the2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”
Issued: July 2018
Insights of the Report
This report uses the UN Secretary-General Guideline for Voluntary National Reviews as its framework. This report includes a large amount of data and comparisons between the previous data and latest data. It provides detailed review on SDG goals under review in 2019 (SDG 6, 7, 11, 12 and 15). NYC provides a large amount of descriptions of each project taken under each goal. It also attaches statistical appendix.
8.623 million (2017)
783.8 ㎢
11001/ ㎢
51,988,131 t-CO2 (2017)
17.1 ±5.5
Predominantly Urban
USD 92.2 billion (FY2020)
City Profile
New York City is located in the north-east part of USA and is the location of the United Nations Headquarters. NYC published its blueprint called “One New York: The Plan for a Strong and Just City (OneNYC)” for inclusive growth and climate action in 2015.
Originally released in 2007 under the name “PlaNYC,” successor of this plan “One New York: The Plan for a Strong and Just City (OneNYC)” is an effort to address New York City’s long-term challenges. Under Local Law 84 (2013), a long-term plan considering population projections, housing, air quality, coastal protections, and other sustainability and resiliency factors is required every four years on Earth Day.
The present report shows how localities across the country can implement the SDGs and the progress made by the city government in four visions.
This report was released in July 2018 and presented as the one of first VLRs at the UNHQ.
The Report and more
The VLR report is available here:
Voluntary Local Review New York City’s Implementation of the2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Link to “OneNYC” page:
Department of Health, NYC. (2015) Table 2: Population, Land Area, and Population Density by County, New York State - 2015,
Mayor’s Office of Management and Budget (2019) February 2019 Financial Plan, Fiscal Years 2019 - 2023.
New York City. (2018). Inventory of New York City Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Citywide GHG Emissions Summary,
Global Gridded Model of Carbon Footprints. (2019).
OECD. (2011). OECD Regional Typology, Paris: OECD.