Municipio de La Paz
Reporte Voluntario Local La Paz
Insights of the Report
La Paz has integrated the SDGs into its long-term planning, epitomised in the 'La Paz 2040: The La Paz We Want' comprehensive plan. Through the use of its Integral State Planning System (SPIE), the city harmoniously weaves the three dimensions of sustainable development into its projects and policies. This strategy aligns with its six-pronged approach, focusing on a healthy, safe, productive, well-connected, transparent and green La Paz. The city's Voluntary Local Review (VLR) extends its work on localising and monitoring the 2030 Agenda, drawing on the United Nations' Urban Monitoring Framework to map progress on all 17 SDGs, underlining the spatial disparities in urban development.
Issued: 2022
951,793 (jul.2019)
3,020 ㎢ (jul 2018)
314 per ㎢ (jul.2018)
Local (ex. city, town, village, etc)
USD 304 million (2018)
City Profile
La Paz (officially known as Nuestra Señora de la Paz) is the capital of the Department of La Paz and seat of the Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia. Its name commemorates the restoration of peace after the civil war that followed the insurrection of Gonzalo Pizarro against Blasco Nuñez Vela, First Viceroy of Peru. The city was founded the 20 October 1548 by the Spanish Captain Alonso de Mendoza, as a restplace for travelers going between Potosí and Cuzco.
The SDG Agenda of La Paz is an exercise to localise the SDGs and to show the city’s commitment to meet the 2030 Agenda. It does so by linking its current planning strategies and its public policies with the 17 SDGs. In this regard, it is worth noting the importance of the statistical analysis stemming from the “SDGs Municipal Survey – 2018” (Encuesta Municipal ODS – 2018).
The Report and more
The VLR report is available here:
Reporte Voluntario Local La Paz
Agenda ODS para el Municipio de La Paz