Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture

Kitakyushu City the Sustainable Development Goals Report

Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture

“Kitakyushu City the Sustainable Development Goals Report -Fostering a trusted Green Growth City with true wealth and prosperity, contributing to the world” Issued: July 2018

Insights of the Report

This report uses the UN Secretary-General Guideline for Voluntary National Reviews as its framework. The report shows that, under the three dimensions of sustainable development, there are 7 basic concepts, and 17 principal actions. The city has also set priority targets as following; 5.5, 7.2, 8.2, 8.5, 9.4, 12.5, 17.7, and 17.17. The city envisions to set its Key Performance Indicators (KPI) soon.

966,628 (Jan. 2017)
492 ㎢ (Jan. 2017)
Population Density
1,954 per ㎢ (Jan. 2017)
Level of Government
CO2 Emission
21,178,000 t-CO2 (2015)
Carbon Footprint per capita
22.5 t (2015)
Carbon Absorption
Territorial Classification
Predominantly Urban (PRU)
Budget Size
JPY 519.5 million /
USD 4.66 million (FY2016)

City Profile

Situated on the western end of the Japanese archipelago in Kyushu, Kitakyushu has developed as a “gateway to Asia” as a result of its geographical proximity to the region.

Since 1901, the city has developed as a manufacturing city, which resulted in major air and water pollution around 1960s. Many stakeholders, especially citizens, worked hard to improve the situation and nowadays blue sky and ocean can be seen in Kitakyushu. These experiences enabled Kitakyushu City to develop new industries including environmental technology. It has been developing into a smart, eco-city with resource circulation and renewable energy resources.

Selected one of 29 cities in the SDGs Future City project, initiated by the Cabinet Office, Japan, this city has been leading efforts towards local sustainability. This report was produced in partnership with IGES.

The Report and more

The VLR Report is available here:


For population, population density, Area, amd revenue, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (2017) Municipalities’ Financial statement Card of Fiscal Year 2016,

City’s own reporting on CO2 emission:

OECD. (2011). OECD Regional Typology, Paris: OECD.

Ota, J., Hosoda, K., Hayashi, S., Fujino, J., and Kataoka, Y. (2018). Kitakyushu City the Sustainable Development Goals Report -Fostering a trusted Green Growth City with true wealth and prosperity, contributing to the world-,Hayama: IGES.