Province of Jaén

Indicadores para medir la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la provincia de Jaén

Province of Jaén

Indicadores para medir la consecución de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la provincia de Jaén

Insights of the Report

This second edition of Jaén’s VLR aims at assessing which of the projects included in the province’s second strategic plan contribute the most to achieving the SDGs. It also helps to elucidate which strategies, among the eight laid out in the plan, are key to reach the selected targets. Furthermore, it helps to identify those goals on track to be achieved and those that need additional efforts in the future. Finally, this report hopes to inform decisions in light of the SDGs and to design future strategies to better meet the Global Goals.

Issued: March 2020
626.755 (January 2021)
13.489,40 ㎢ (2021)
Population Density
46,8 per ㎢ (2020)
Level of Government
Sub-national (province)
Carbon Emission
3.211.963 t-CO2 equivalent (2016)
Carbon Footprint per capita
Carbon Absorption
1,770,000 t (2019)
Territorial Classification
Local (ex. city, town, village, etc)
Budget Size
170.496,36 € (2021)

City Profile

Jaén is a Spanish province located in the northeast of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, in the South of the Iberian Peninsula. It is one of the four historic kingdoms of Andalusia. It borders Córdoba to the West, Ciudad Real to the North, Albacete to the East, and Granada to the South. Its capital is the city of Jaén.

The Report and more

The VLR report is available here:
2020 VLR Province of Jaen
2019 VLR Province of Jaen