City of Bonn
Voluntary Local Review - The Implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the City of Bonn
Insights of the Report
As one of the oldest cities in Germany, the City of Bonn submitted its first Voluntary Local Review on the SDGs in 2020. In preparation for the second Voluntary Local Review in 2022, Bonn participated in the testing of the "Sustainable Municipality" reporting framework, which was developed by the German Council for Sustainable Development. This novel format combines quantitative indicators and qualitative reporting aspects in sustainability reporting. The report also maps developments in urban actions for sustainability since the adoption of the Bonn Sustainability Strategy in February 2019.
Issued: July 2022335.975 (2022)
141,1 ㎢ (Jan 2022)
2381,11 per ㎢ (2022)
Local (ex. city, town, village, etc)
2,12 Mio t CO2 (2018)
City Profile
Over the past 25 decades, Bonn has successfully established itself as the German city of the United Nations and as a centre for international cooperation and sustainable development. There are now 25 United Nations organisations with over 1000 employees working from Bonn under the common motto "Shaping a sustainable future", including the Climate Change Secretariat and the Secretariat to Combat Desertification. In addition to federal agencies and German development cooperation institutions, numerous scientific institutions, companies and some 150 international and internationally active non-governmental organisations are also based in Bonn. Bonn's central theme is sustainability - and the city lives by this theme - for the people of Bonn as well as through its international commitments. The Agenda 2030 is thus an essential roadmap for the city’s urban action.
The Report and more
The VLR report is available here:
Voluntary Local Review- Agenda 2030 on the local level – Implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Bonn
Voluntary Local Review - The Implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the City of Bonn