Municipality of Asker

Agenda 2030 in Asker. Voluntary Local Review
Agenda 2030 in Asker. Voluntary Local Review

Municipality of Asker

Agenda 2030 in Asker. Voluntary Local Review

Insights of the Report

When merging of the three municipalities of Asker, Hurum, and Røyken, local officials decided to build-in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into the new municipality’s foundational policies. The VLR report is a testament to the process of merging and of integrating the SDGs into local planning. The VLR report provides a detailed explanation of the process followed to implement to SDGs, the policy-enabling environment to carry out such implementation, and the means of implementation. It also reports progress towards the SDGs and highlights exemplary practices executed in Asker.

Issued: June 2021
96,088 (2022)
376.73 ㎢ (2020)
Population Density
255.13 inhabitants per ㎢ (2022)
Level of Government
Local (ex. city, town, village, etc)

City Profile

Asker Municipality is located in Viken County, Norway. It is the country’s eight largest municipality. It was established in 2020 after the merger of the three previously independent municipalities of Asker, Hurum, and Røyken. Asker is located in the Oslo Fjord. Being some 20km away from the national capital, Asker is well connected to Oslo. Asker’s economy relies primarily on health and social services, trade, building and construction, industry and education.

The Report and more

The VLR report is available here:
Agenda 2030 in Asker. Voluntary Local Review