Amman city

Voluntary Local Review the City of Amman, Jordan

Voluntary Local Review the City of Amman, Jordan

Amman city

Voluntary Local Review the City of Amman, Jordan

Insights of the Report

Amman's VLR focuses on the review of the city’s progress towards SDGs 3, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 17. The goals and targets reviewed were selected based on their relevance to the mandate and the strategic objectives of the municipality, as well as the access to and the availability of data. While developing this VLR, special attention was paid to mainstreaming gender considerations and discussing the challenges facing refugees, despite being challenged by limited access to data. Developing this VLR took seven months, and work was divided into three distinctive phases. The report was centered around the preparation of Working Papers (WP) for SDGs 3, 7, 9, 11 and 13, and was closely tied with data collection and stakeholder consultation overseen by the Chairs attributed to each WP. The preparation of the Working Paper on SDG 3 was chaired by WHO; on SDGs 7 and 13 was chaired by UNDP; on SDG 11 was chaired by UN-Habitat; and on SDG 9 was chaired by UNIDO. Ten stakeholder consultation meetings in total were carried out in relation to the aforementioned Working Papers, two in relation to each WP. Development of the WP on SDG 17 differed in comparison to other SDGs and was centered around the collection of data through a survey. In Greater Amman Municipality (GAM), the VLR effort was led by the GAM VLR Committee. In total, more than 60 entities from all sectors from the public, private, civil society and academia, as well as UN and international organisations were consulted in the preparation of this report.

Issued: July 2022
3,999,009 (Dec. 2021)
800 ㎢ (Sep. 2022)
Population Density
4,999 per ㎢ (Sep. 2022)
Level of Government
Local (ex. city, town, village, etc)
Carbon Emissions
7,400,000 t-co2 (2014)
Carbon Footprint per capita
Budget Size
JOR 432.1 million / USD 617.4 million (FY2022)

City Profile

Amman (named Philadelphia in the past) is known as the city of brotherly love, and has a history stretching back thousands of years. The city is proud to be continuously evolving, putting its residents at the heart of city plans, strategies and services. Amman is the capital city, and economic and cultural hub of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It is the political and administrative centre of the Jordanian government and home to more than 42% of the country’s inhabitants. The city is a model of peace and multiculturalism in the Arab world and is a major centre for investment in the Middle East. The city of Amman launched its VLR in July 2022 in cooperation with UN Habitat and the United Nations Economic Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA), and was the first Arab city to include a discussion of six of the 17 SDGs.

The Report and more

The VLR report is available here:
Voluntary Local Review the City of Amman, Jordan