ASEAN Environmental Data Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

Discussion Paper
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The ASEAN Secretariat proposed that the preparation of the sixth State of Environment Report (SOER6) should include the development of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) which could serve as a monitoring tool for the progress of implementation of the ASEAN Strategic Plan on Environment 2016-2025 (ASPEN), and as the basis for data requirements during the preparation of future State of Environment Reports (SOERs). To move this suggestion forward IGES has prepared this Discussion Paper.

The approach to this output in the context of the DPSIR methodology is to examine (i) the wide range of indicators used for the SDGs, IPBES, UNFCCC, GEO and other global and regional assessments; (ii) national level environmental and natural resources assessments; (iii) national environmental standards and monitoring reports; and (iv) other environmental assessments at global, regional, and national levels. 

From this compilation of environmental indicators, the current data management approaches and national capacities in ASEAN to select and prioritize KPIs, and to monitor and report on these, will be documented. Relevant ASEAN institutional frameworks, vision, and blueprints, as well as sectoral work plans and their programme/output-level indicators, if any, will also be considered. The gap between global, regional, and national reporting requirements and the capacity of ASEAN Member States (AMS) to provide accurate, timely, and validated data for these indicators will be assessed.

From this gap assessment, the feasibility of enhancing and/or expanding the monitoring and reporting capacity in the region will be assessed and recommendations provided on how this expanded capacity could be achieved. 
