Establishment of the Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership Center

Press Release

The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) will serve as the secretariat of the "Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership Center" to be established by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan and welcomed at the G7 Ministers' Meeting on Climate, Energy and Environment in Sapporo earlier this month. The goal of the Center is to promote a capacity building programme which aims to assist participating parties in developing institutional arrangements to establish high integrity carbon markets under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

With the general framework of Article 6 rules agreed upon at the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), countries are now moving forward with implementing carbon market mechanisms that allow for international cooperation on emissions reductions. To expand the implementation of Article 6, it is necessary to build high-integrity carbon markets with increased private investment through international collaboration.

In response, the “Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership” was launched at COP27 by Japan. As of 27 April, 2023, 66 countries and 32 institutions agreed to join the partnership, which demonstrates the growing commitment to the implementation of Article 6. IGES will serve as the secretariat of the "Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership Center" to support the development of institutional and governance frameworks and capacity-building of government officials and related organisations under the Article 6 market mechanisms.

By serving as the Center's secretariat, IGES will contribute to the development of high integrity carbon markets under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and the overall goal of the Paris Agreement with additional emission reductions.

The Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership Center will:

  • Develop a series of tools related to authorisation, reporting and tracking
  • Develop a support package based on the needs of each country
  • Collect information and conduct outreach on capacity building support
  • Conduct administrative duties as the Center secretariat