IGES submitted five joint submissions to the first Global Stocktake (GST) of the Paris Agreement, together with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), among others.
Last November, the Implementation guidelines for the Paris Agreement were finally approved at the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP26) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Glasgow. From 2022 onwards, countries are required to increase their levels of ambition in accordance with the approved rules, to achieve the long-term goals of the Agreement. The GST is a mechanism to assess global progress towards achieving these goals of the Paris Agreement (referred to in Article 14).
The first GST began at COP26 and is due to conclude in November 2023, at COP 28. In the light of “equity” and the “best available science”, the GST collects information on three thematic areas of climate change, “mitigation”, “adaptation” and “means of implementation and support”. Based on the collected information, the GST assesses the collective progress and summarizes discussion results. The input is provided by governmental and non-governmental stakeholders around the world.
JAXA and JICA’s latest scientific products and knowledge on solving global environmental problems will serve as useful information for promoting implementation of the Paris Agreement. IGES has laid the groundwork for forming a submission of such knowledge, evidence and good practices, based on the latest international environmental discussions.
The five joint submissions can be found here:
Joint submitting authority: JAXA
Joint submitting authority: JAXA
Joint submitting authority: JAXA, ANA HOLDINGS INC.
Joint submitting authority: JAXA, JICA, Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA)
Joint submitting authority: JAXA, Aberystwyth University, solo Earth Observation (soloEO), Wetlands International, The Nature Conservancy
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