IGES Proposal for the “Japan’s long-term strategy under the Paris Agreement”


The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) released the above proposal for “Japan’s long-term strategy under the Paris Agreement”, which is currently being developed by the Government of Japan. The proposal is composed of two parts: a set of recommendations on policy, and those related to the process of developing the strategy. IGES has been strongly committed, since its founding in 1998, to policy research in advancing international frameworks to deal effectively with climate change.


Policy Recommendations

The following ten recommendations were made to enable Japan to decarbonise over the long-term. They include the need:

  • to highlight a message that “climate change is now a real threat to societies all over the world, thus effective responses are essential”;
  • to develop the long-term national strategy fully incorporating the "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)";
  • to present a clear 2050 target for GHG reductions and decarbonisation;
  • to promote co-innovation on a global scale through stimulating decarbonisation at the national level;
  • to advance carbon pricing;
  • to expand the roles of non-state actors such as companies and local governments;
  • to develop a mid-term target with a view to realizing a fossil free world by providing alternatives to coal;
  • to present multiple options based on scenario analysis;
  • to demonstrate the importance of “transition management” to deal effectively with employment and other related social issues; and
  • to simultaneously address climate change adaptation.


Process Recommendations

The following three recommendations were made with regard to the process of formulating Japan's long-term strategy. They include the need:

  • to present clear future scenarios and identify feasible pathways through backcasting;
  • to carry out regular updates; and
  • to adopt participatory approaches including national dialogues.