mipplot: Open-Source (R-based) Tool for Visualizing the Mitigation Scenarios from IAMs


IGES is pleased to announce the public release of the mipplot visualization tool (beta version), developed by Diego SILVA HERRAN from the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) (also visiting researcher at PARI), Assoc. Prof. Masahiro SUGIYAMA, and Jiayang WANG from the Policy Alternatives Research Institute (PARI) of The University of Tokyo.

PARI and IGES developed this tool, which allows users to create graphs from climate mitigation scenarios generated by energy-economic models and integrated assessment models.

The current version can be applied to scenario data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5oC (SR1.5) and Fifth Assessment Report (AR5), and other scenarios contributing to the IPCC.

To inform policy processes for mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, researchers have developed possible futures of GHG emissions and the implications for energy use and the economy throughout the 21st century, and published them in the form of quantitative scenario assessments. The mipplot visualization tool helps stakeholders, policymakers, and researchers to flexibly extract and display the data from these scenarios, and to promote the understanding of this knowledge.

The mipplot visualization tool has been conceived as an open-access tool for people interested in the assessment of long-term reduction of GHG emissions. The current version can be applied by researchers and students working with energy-economic models and integrated assessment models to assess national and global scenarios for mitigation of GHG emissions.

Future versions of the tool will aim for a broader audience, regardless of their expertise, by introducing an interactive interface for easier operation, plots in multiple languages, and algebraic operations, among other improvements.


URL of “mipplot”: https://github.com/UTokyo-mip/mipplot

mipplot has been developed with the support from the “Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (2-1704)” of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency, and the “Strategic Research Fund” (SRF) of IGES.



  • Wang, J., Silva Herran, D., Sugiyama, M. (2018, November). An Open-source Tool for Analyzing and Visualizing the Mitigation Scenarios Data from IAMs, Poster presented at the 11th Annual Meeting of the IAMC, Sevilla, Spain.
  • 王嘉陽, スィルバ エラン ディエゴ, 杉山昌広, 白木裕斗 (2018年1月).「マルチモデル分析に基づく気候政策を分析するオープンソースツールの開発」, エネルギー・資源学会第34回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス,東京砂防会館.
  • Silva Herran, D., Sugiyama, M., Shiraki, H. (2017, December). Development of an open-source, simple analysis tool of mitigation scenarios from IAMs, Poster presented at the 10th Annual Meeting of the IAMC, Recife, Brazil.