UNEA6 Side Event

Synergistic Approaches to Overcome the Triple Crisis and the SDG Deadlock

1 March 2024 , 13:30-14:45 EAT (Eastern Africa Time: UTC +3).
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This side event, held at the 6th United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA6), focused on the critical need for enhancing synergistic approaches to addressing the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. These issues are inextricably interlinked and significantly hinder the achievement of global agendas such as the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals. In order to overcome the triple planetary crisis, synergistic approaches are needed. Against this background, Japan proposed a resolution on promoting synergies, which was adopted at UNEA6. This resolution “promoting synergies, cooperation or collaboration for national implementation of multilateral environmental agreements and other relevant environmental instruments” encourages the implementation of policies and projects which have synergistic effects for both climate change and biodiversity, for example nature-based solutions, when implementing obligations under environmental agreements such as those on climate change and biodiversity. The resolution also encourages the collection and sharing of good practices to support these efforts.

The side event was opened by, Takisawa Motome, State Minister of the Environment, Japan, who referred to this resolution and emphasized the importance of strengthening synergistic actions to overcome the triple planetary crisis. Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Director of the Law Division, the United Nations Evnrionment Programme, expressed her hopes for Japan's leadership in promoting synergistic actions around the world, and stated that UNEP will support the implementation of this resolution. Japan, the Republic of Chile and the Republic of Fiji then shared their efforts on promoting synergies, including useful measures and challenges. Janez Potocnik, Co-Chair of the International Resource Panel, expressed his hopes for these efforts, highlighted the importance of paying attention to resource extraction as an underlying cause of the triple planetary crisis, and pointed out the importance of scientific knowledge in enhancing synergies in the future.

Event Details

1 March 2024 , 13:30-14:45 EAT (Eastern Africa Time: UTC +3).

Tent C at the Headquarters of the United Nations Environment Programme, in Nairobi, Kenya

(No on-line format, only in-person attendance)


Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES)
Pavel HEJCIK ([email protected]) and AMANUMA Nobue ([email protected])

Presentation Materials

Synergistic Approaches to Overcome the Triple Crisis and the SDG Deadlock
(MC: Pavel HEJCIK)
 Opening RemarksTAKISAWA Motome
State Minister of the Environment, Japan
 RemarksPatricia KAMERI-MBOTE
Director, Law Division, UNEP
 Framing PresentationKAWAMATA Kotaro
Director, International Strategy Division, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of the Environment, Japan
 Example of synergistic action from Japan (video)WATANABE Michitaro
Mayor of Nasushiobara
Video (114MB)
 Synergy cases and their challenges and opportunitiesConstance NALEGACH
Head of the International Affairs Office of the Ministry of the Environment, Chile
 Synergy cases and their challenges and opportunitiesSivendra MICHAEL
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Fiji
 Synergy cases in development assistanceMUTO Megumi
Vice President, Chief Sustainability Officer, JICA
PDF (689KB)
 DiscussantJanez Potočnik
Co-Chair, International Resource Panel (IRP), and Former European Commissioner for Environment and Science
 Closing RemarksKAWAMATA Kotaro
Director, International Strategy Division, Global Environment Bureau, Ministry of the Environment

Recorded Video