Can Hydrogen Help the World Accelerate to Net-zero Targets?

6 December 2022, 16.00-18.00 JST

Hydrogen as a fuel source has been gaining popularity as countries accelerate towards climate mitigation targets and net-zero goals. Majority of the hydrogen supplies in the global market are produced by fossil fuels (grey hydrogen) and these production processes are responsible for significant quantities of carbon emissions. However, what is critical today is neither grey or blue hydrogen but the production of green hydrogen where renewable energy-based electricity supports hydrogen production.

Japan has been a pioneer in the development of hydrogen development technologies for various applications. Japan's National hydrogen strategy (2017) and the Environment Innovation Strategy, (2020) have given policy priority to the development of hydrogen, its usage and promotion. The country has also proposed the development of a hydrogen society in Asia, which envisions joint production, sharing of technology and replicating usage of hydrogen across the Asian region. Globally, several countries are already developing plans for commercial production of hydrogen and inclusion of the same in their respective energy mix. However, the policies need to present a clear roadmap for developing green hydrogen and implementation plans to facilitate greater collaboration among countries.

This workshop discussed the progress of developing hydrogen technology, manufacturing, storage and its efficient usage in the global energy mix. The workshop was in two sessions, one focusing on the Asian Experiences and the other highlighting the Lessons from International Scene.

Event Details

6 December 2022, 16.00-18.00 JST

Online Webinar


Presentation Materials

  Chair Matthew Hengesbaugh,  Policy Researcher, Integrated Sustainability Centre, IGES, Japan  



Opening Remarks Tsuyoshi Kawakami, Acting Managing Director, IGES, Japan  
  Nanda Kumar Janardhanan, Research Manager, Climate and Energy, IGES, Japan
Asia’s pathway towards Green Hydrogen Development
Hydrogen Development and Net-zero context: Asian Experience
  Chair Hideyuki Mori, Special Policy Advisor, IGES, Japan  



  Hiroki Yoshida, Deputy Director, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Strategy Office Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan
Japan’s Vision and Actions toward Hydrogen Economy
Beni Suryadi, Manager, ASEAN Centre for Energy, Indonesia
Hydrogen in ASEAN – Economic Prospects, Development and Applications
Kentaro Tamura, Director, IGES, Japan
  Girish Sethi, Senior Director, The Energy and Resources Institute, India
  Hydrogen Development: Global Experiences



Chair Eric Zusman, Research Leader, Integrated Sustainability Centre, IGES, Japan  
  Silvio A. B. Vieira de Melo, Energy and Environment Graduate Program Director, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA)
Challenges and Opportunities for Green Hydrogen in Brazil
  Joanna Kay Advisor Strategy (Asia & Pacific), International Solar Alliance, India
Australia’s Renewable Hydrogen Industry- driving domestic and global clean energy transition
  Mustafa Moinuddin, Deputy Director, Integrated Sustainability Centre, IGES, Japan
Global Hydrogen Development:  Techno-Economic Aspects
  Mehmet Ogutcu, Chairman, London Energy Club and Global Resources Partners, UK
Global Hydrogen Geopolitics



Closing Remarks Kazuya Inoue, Director, Climate Change Policy Division, MOEJ  

Recorded Video