COP27 IsDB’s Pavillion Side Event

How to Foster Japan-MENA countries partnership towards NetZero Economies

15 Nov 2022 (11:00 – 12:00 Egypt time (18:00 – 19:00 Japan time))

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There has been a strategic shift in Japan and many countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) regarding their policies and initiatives related to the energy transition, green economy, and climate change. Their interest in a green economy is high, and their needs, willingness, and calls for international cooperation, are explicit.

Acknowledging the uniqueness of a Japan-MENA cooperation, the urgency of action, and the opportunity offered by the momentum, The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), The Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), and the Gulf Research Institute (GRC – a think tank based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) initiated an exploratory study for climate action opportunities between Japan and IsDB member countries in MENA region, targeting the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Arab Republic of Egypt, and the Republic of Tunisia, initially.

The preliminary findings revealed that: i) data and information about technologies, financial schemes, capacity building, and business-matching support are available to some extent in Japan, but unfortunately scattered; ii) government-to-government efforts are bold, but private-sector efforts are lagging behind; and iii) commonly prioritized sectors for climate actions across the countries examined are those related to energy efficiency, renewables, waste management, and coastal zone protection, and other areas for which Japan’s relevant technologies, policies, and best practices are considered world-class.


Invite experts from government agencies, research institutions, financial institutions, and the private sector to seek their insights, guidance, and suggestions about how to foster Japan-MENA ‘win-win’ net-zero partnership between, including through the launch of a green business matching platform.

Live Streaming

Event Details

15 Nov 2022 (11:00 – 12:00 Egypt time (18:00 – 19:00 Japan time))

Blue Zone

Islamic Development Bank (IsDB)
Gulf Research Center (GRC)

IGES: Rabhi ABDESSALEM <[email protected]>
IsDB: Olatunji Yusuf <[email protected]>

Presentation Materials

11:00-11:05   Welcoming and Opening Remarks
Prof. Kazuhiko Takeuchi, President, IGES, Japan
11:05-11:10   Setting the Scene by the moderator
Dr. Abdessalem Rabhi, Senior Programme Coordinator, IGES, Japan
11:10-11:55 Pnalel discussion
  • The panel discussion aims to address the following from expert’s perspectives:
  • Where to act: Which sector(s)/Subsector(s) should be prioritized for climate actions in Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco?
  • What to do and whom to engage with: What specific climate action(s) should be considered, and who should be involved, especially to engage the private sector?
  • How to act: How to materialize IGES-IsDB-GRC’s proposal of establishing a Japan-MENA Green business platform to foster a Win-Win NetZero partnership?
  Mr. Toyokazu Fukuyama, Managing Director, JETRO Cairo, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), Japan  
Dr. Majed K. Mahmoud, Technical Director, The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE), Egypt  
Dr. Nacef Belkheriya, Executive Vice President, BSB Group (including Toyota Motor Corporation Distributor), Tunisia  
Dr. Ahmed Faruk Diken, Senior Technical Cooperation Coordinator, MENA & Europe, Islamic Development Bank Group  
11:55-12:00   Closing Remarks
Dr. Mohamed Abdelraouf, Director, Sustainability Research Program, GRC, Saudi Arabia

MC. Dr. Yusuf Olatunji, Senior Climate Change Specialist, IsDB