8226件中 1~10件 (日付順)
Main Messages This briefing note identifies factors which may reduce some of the negative impacts of the Trump Administration’s expected efforts to undermine climate policies as well as a few potential areas for positive bipartisan climate cooperation. Policies based on laws, such as the climate initiatives in the Inflation Reduction Act, will be...
World Development Sustainability所収
Although water is a vital finite resource for sustaining life, it is under constant pressure from anthropogenic activities. Among the different types of surface water, lakes are particularly difficult to restore once water quality deteriorates due to their hydrological cycles and complex dynamics. This study compares policy implementation and its...
Rivers play a crucial role in nutrient cycling, yet are increasingly affected by eutrophication due to anthropogenic activities. This study focuses on the Barato River in Hokkaido, Japan, employing an integrated approach of field measurements and Sentinel-2 satellite remote sensing to monitor eutrophication as the river experiencing huge sewage...
Approximately one billion tonnes of municipal organic waste are generated globally every year, although only a small fraction of this is currently recycled, with the remaining factions being either burnt or dumped in landfill sites. Composting is one of a number of different ways in which organic wastes can be converted into valuable products such...
Floods have catastrophic effects worldwide, particularly in monsoonal Asia. This systematic review investigates the literature from the past two decades, focusing on the use of remote sensing (RS), Geographic Information Systems (GISs), and technologies for flood disaster management in South Asia, and addresses the urgent need for effective...
Urbanization is a major driver of land-use change, with significant implications for sustainable development in rapidly growing cities. In this study, we assess the spatiotemporal patterns of urban expansion in Lucknow, India, from 1991 to 2021, using geospatial techniques and Landsat satellite imagery. The key objective is to analyze urban growth...
韓国原子力協会に招待され、2024年12月に韓国慶州市のHwabaek国際コンベンションセンターにて開催されたGlobal Nuclear Energy & Safety Confex (NES 2024)に出席した。 韓国の原発政策は、2022年に発足した尹錫悦政権が文在寅前政権の脱原発から180度方針転換し、国内の新増設と国外への原発輸出拡大へと舵を切った。 この会議には韓国内外の原子力産業から75社、160の展示ブース、約5,000名(主催者発表)が参加した。
Resources, Conservation & Recycling所収
Water cycle resilience represents a vital part of sustainable water resources management for a region with severe water vulnerability issues. However, despite their importance, a current lack of systematic monitoring mechanisms has contributed to an insufficient grasp of their distribution in relation to water resources management practices, as...
Technology in Society所収
With nearly 70 % of the global population expected to live in urban areas by 2050, cities will need to manage energy transitions to achieve ambitious carbon neutrality goals. As the current rate of decarbonization in cities is too slow to achieve these ambitious goals, feasible pathways toward deep decarbonization are becoming increasingly urgent...