IGES Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Database provides detailed information on the JCM methodologies, projects, and JCM feasibility studies to be utilized for research and development of JCM project. The JCM is being implemented under bilateral cooperation between Japan and 29 partner countries: Mongolia, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Maldives, Viet...
- クリア
- 言語: (-) 英語
- 地域 / 国: (-) Papua New Guinea
13件中 1~10件 (日付順)
Although it is widely acknowledged that forests provide critical ecosystem services for human survival and well-being, in the Asia-Pacific region forests are being converted to other land uses and degraded at alarming rates. One underlying factor for this destruction of forests is market failure. Forests are cleared for other land uses or degraded...
VIDEO - 7 minutes This is the story of Ogab El, one of the most passionate tree growers in Papua New Guinea (PNG). A man whose father together with other local leaders gave the rights over their forests to a logging company, which resulted in the obliteration of thousands of hectares of biodiversity rich forests in the Gogol Valley in Madang...
Recognising the importance of markets to sustainable forest management, this document provides guidance to timber buyers on the steps that they can take to responsibly purchase Papua New Guinean export timber. Log exports have been a major foreign exchange earner for PNG, but weak enforcement of forest laws means that the forest estate is mostly...
Presented at APEC MINISTERS RESPONSIBLE FOR FORESTRY 26th-29th October 2015, Port Moresby
This report aims to contribute to the management of PNG’s forests as a renewable natural asset for the collective benefit of all Papua New Guineans. It argues that to achieve these ends, illegalities in the forest sector need serious attention. The report aims to (i) provide a review of the illegal logging issue in PNG, (ii) identify the potential...
The two day workshop, held in February 2013 in the scenic setting of the Kokoda Trial Motel, by the Laloki river on the Sogeri Plateau, was the most recent in a succession of workshops hosted by the Institute of National Affairs (INA) on the critical global theme, but particularly for PNG, of climate change, forest and resource management and...
The Forest Conservation Project is researching forest certification as an instrument to assist communities to manage forests for multiple purposes, including timber production. This research has focused on innovative models that could suggest ways of increasing the accessibility of forest certification to community-based forest management. The...
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) has been releasing a collection of the top news items on the environment in the Asia-Pacific region every year since 1998. This has been with the aim of collecting and organising information about environmental issues and policy trends in the region, and to report on how the region addresses...