地球規模で進む気候変動は、気象の激甚化、そして洪水や干ばつなどの自然災害を世界各地で引き起こし、新たな人道危機を生み出している。すでに社会基盤が脆弱化している紛争下の人々にとって、気候変動はリスクを増幅させる要因にもなっている。気候変動の負の影響が人類の発展や国際政治・経済の安定を阻むこの気候危機とも呼ばれる状況は、「気候安全保障」という視点から捉えることができる。人間の安全保障を掲げて開発援助に注力する日本にとって、気候危機下の人道支援の現状を分析・評価することは、今後の外交政策を展望する上で必須の課題だと言えるだろう。 気候安全保障は「日本国内に直接生じる安全保障リスク」と「日本国外で生じる安全保障リスクから波及して生じる日本の安全保障リスク」の2つに分類できる。本稿では...
- クリア
- SDGs: (-) 16. 平和と公正をすべての人に
38件中 1~10件 (日付順)
Earth Systems and Environment所収
Water governance (WG) plays a crucial role in steering integrated water resources management (IWRM) toward the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in developing regions. Despite this, substantial challenges hinder effective WG implementation across Asia. This study systematically reviews WG literature in Asia from...
Science-Policy Interface for Plastic Pollution | Report Launch
The launch of the report "Science-Policy Interface for Plastic Pollution" by GRID-Arendal was organized within the framework of the Geneva Beat Plastic Pollution Dialogues, in the lead-up to the third session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the...
環境経済・政策学会 2023年大会
Sustainability Science所収
This is the Editorial of the first IGES-initiated Special Feature of the Sustainability Science journal. This Special Feature on Just and Sustainable Transitions in Net-Zero Asia aims to highlight how researchers, policymakers, and practitioners across Asia are applying just transition thinking to address pressing environmental challenges, climate...
This report includes an analysis of the level of awareness of the SDGs, as well as the progress made in addressing the five SDG Goals (thematic themes) that the UN Global Compact focuses on: Goals 5 (gender equality), 8 (work and human rights), 13 (climate change) and 16 (anti-corruption), and Goal 12 (sustainable consumption and production), which...
Sustainability Science所収
There has been broad recognition that current food systems need to go through a process of transformation and transition. In the similar way that other areas have transitioned to be more sustainable, the transition process for food systems has some issues related to justice in terms of achieving more sustainable and inclusive food production...
The United Nations identifies the drivers of the planetary crisis as climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Mitigation requires reliable science to inform decision-making. However, relevant research is often underutilized in policy planning and implementation because policy-making entities limit the ability of scientists to contribute to...
T7/G7 Task Force 2 Wellbeing, Environmental Sustainability, and Just Transition Policy Brief
Integrating the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into climate actions is essential for a healthy planet and people. Yet, national climate policies and international climate support programs often fail to explicitly recognize the interconnections between climate concerns and other priorities covered under the SDGs. This failure can leave key...
本業務ではSDGsの進捗上位 5 か国の更新事項と、SDGs の実施及び SDGs 進捗管理・モニタリングにおいて先進的な取り組みを進めるブータン、インド、インドネシア、フィリピンのアジア 4 カ国を調査し、日本の SDGs 実施指針改定に向けた議論の参考となる情報をとりまとめた。それによって、本報告書は日本の進捗管理・モニタリング体制の構築・体制整備に貢献し、オールジャパンとしての SDGs 実施を加速させることを目指すものである。