The frequent climatic extreme events in Bangladesh’s coastal region significantly affected the local agricultural system. To meet the growing food demand, coastal regions must adopt climate-smart agricultural practices to sustain food production. This study examines the farmers’ behavioral determinants for adopting climate-smart agricultural...
気候変動に関する最新かつ重要な科学的知見をまとめたFuture Earth、The Earth League、World Climate Research Programme(世界気候研究計画)による報告書「10 New Insights in Climate Science 2023/2024」の日本語翻訳版。2017年より毎年刊行され、国連気候変動枠組条約(UNFCCC)締約国会議(COP)にあわせて公開されている。 今回の2023/2024年版は、1.5℃目標の危機、化石燃料の段階的廃止に関する考察、炭素除去と吸収に関する知見、生物多様性の緊急事態、氷河損失、食料システムの改革などを取り上げ、プラネタリーヘルスが直面している課題、リスク要因、対策案等について論じている...
Since the 1990s, the Philippines has established numerous protected areas aimed at preserving re-gions with distinct biological and ecological characteristics. However, transitioning towards a more comprehensive approach to managing these protected areas, one that effectively conserves biodiversity while also supporting the welfare of local...
Over the past few decades, scenario analysis emerged as a useful tool for environmental decision-making amidst multiple uncertainties. Using the influential drivers of change, scenarios portray the range of plausible alternative futures useful for quantifying the synergies and trade-offs of vital ecosystem services across multiple development...
The presentation provided the global trend of the environmental crises and the preliminary research results on the current recognition and awareness on the environmental issues among the tourism industry and tourists in Mauritius and the potential changes towards a sustainable society. It also aimed to inform the usefulness of the sustainable...