9件中 1~9件 (日付順)
JSPS-ICSSR Seminar on Understanding and Addressing Systemic Risks Behind the Socio-economic Impacts of COVID-19 in Japan and India: Developing a Roadmap for a Resilient and Sustainable Future
The COVID-19 pandemic has reversed decades of progress in many developmental areas and aggravated the already-existing gaps in implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Measures by countries to recover from the crisis have been varied. These measures, if designed properly and implemented efficiently, can stimulate progress in many pandemic...
Scenarios of Environmental Resilience and Transformation in Times of Climate Change: Effects and Lessons from the COVID-19所収
Five years after the SDGs were adopted and just when the United Nations called for realising the Decade of Action, the COVID-19 pandemic halted the progress of the SDGs and even reversed some of the achievements that the world made over years. With most countries struggling to overcome the pandemic and revive the economy, losing the focus on the...
Urban Transition Global Summit 2016
Urban Transitions Global Summit 2016 brought together researchers, policy-makers, government representatives and practitioners to review the latest research and practice towards developing an urban future that is more economically competitive, sustainable and resilient, equitable and inclusive and digitally supported. IGES was invited to the...
Urban Transition Global Summit 2016
Urban Transitions Global Summit 2016 brought together researchers, policy-makers, government representatives and practitioners to review the latest research and practice towards developing an urban future that is more economically competitive, sustainable and resilient, equitable and inclusive and digitally supported. IGES was invited to the...
本業務では、平成22 年5月に開催された第12 回TEMM(TEMM12)で合意した「環境協力に係る日中韓三カ国共同行動計画」に基づき、「グリーン成長及び低炭素社会に関する共同研究」及び「北東アジアの環境ガバナンスに係る共同研究」を行った。
Air Pollution Control in the Transportation Sector: Third Phase Research Report of the Urban Environmental Management Project所収
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is commonly understood to mean a system that emphasises priority for and rapid movement of buses by securing segregated busways, although there is no precise definition of what constitutes a BRT system (International Energy Agency (IEA) 2002; Wright 2005). From an environmental perspective, BRTs have the potential to reduce...