Climate fragility risks

2件中 1~2件 (日付順)
Climate Change, Disaster Risks and Human Security: Asian Experience and Perspectives所収
Climate-fragility risks are on the rise globally and developmental paths taken by countries could be attributed to this rise. To understand the link between development and climate-fragility risks, this chapter presents the findings of the survey conducted by authors with the development practitioners and experts from Asia. The purpose of the...
Ishiwatari, Mikio; Djalante, Riyanti; Mavrodieva, Aleksandrina; Gomez, Oscar; Wataya, Eiko; Shaw, Rajib
Climate change impacts on natural and human systems are increasing. Often affecting fragile economic, social and political systems, climate change is considered to be a serious ‘threat multiplier’. In this document, the risks on these existing systems are understood as climate fragility risks (CFRs). Considering CFRs in the development sector is...