Adaptation effectiveness indicators

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Gobeshona 4 Global Conference: Locally- Led Adaptation (LLA) and resilience
Cynthia Rosenzweig, Manishka De Mel , Estefania Arteaga, Minpeng Chen, Paul Desanker, Denyse Dookie, Elisabeth Gilmore, Valerie Kapos, Alexandre Magnan, Kavya Michael, Henry Neufeldt, Anand Patwardhan, Liu Wei, Rosalind West, Carolina Zambrano-Barragán
Adaptation effectiveness (AE) refers to how policies and actions reduce present and future climate risks. It is a systems concept that requires a unit of measurement, expression in value terms, a baseline, and a goal. Pre-requisite/enabling conditions such as equity, justice, and fairness are essential. Over the years, progress in adaptation has...
Developing Guidelines for Ensuring Effective Adaptation to Climate Change: From Science to Action
The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) in collaboration with Practical Action Nepal along with other research partners in the Gangetic Basin organized a workshop to share the proficiencies on the area of effective adaptation to climate change and develop guidelines. Likewise, to make the guidelines as wide as possible, the...