61件中 1~10件 (日付順)
This policy brief analyzes the position of air pollution in the SDGs, and makes recommendations for how air pollution could be better integrated into SDG implementation. The SDGs, with 17 goals, 169 targets, and even more indicators, were criticized by some for having too many goals and lacking a clear sense of priorities. However, this policy...
This policy brief identifies approaches that could help achieve better synergies in implementing three major global frameworks dedicated to sustainable development (SD), disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) on the ground via programmatic integration, collaboration, capacity, and innovation. The salient messages from...
IGES Policy Brief
Although it is more than decade since the passing of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 (RA 9003) in the Philippines, creating policy direction towards the establishment of a sustainable solid waste management system, its implementation is still very limited at the local government unit (LGUs) level. This policy brief therefore...
Since the Rio+20 meetings in 2012, policymakers and experts have engaged in nearly two years of discussion on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This dialogue is expected to culminate in September 2015 with a post-2015 development agenda that will help frame how stakeholders can pursue development for the years ahead. The purpose of this policy...
日中韓の3カ国の炭素価格制度の実施可能性を、エネルギー消費の多い企業を対象とした研究調査をもとに議論しています。炭素価格の引き上げが省エネ技術の導入を加速化させ、企業が一定水準の価格を受け入れることを明らかにし、各国への具体的な政策提言を示しています。 Remarks: English version: http://pub.iges.or.jp/modules/envirolib/view.php?docid=5260
Based on IGES original research surveying the policy preferences of companies in energy-intensive industries in Japan, China and Korea, this policy brief discusses the feasibility of implementing carbon pricing measures in these three countries. A rise in carbon prices accelerates the application of energy saving technology and a modest price is...
質の高い教育が教育開発における最優先課題となる中、持続可能な開発のための教育(ESD)に関する学習プロセスと教育内容の課題に対応する枠組み「ESD 学習パフォーマンス・フレームワーク」を提示し、質の高い教育への指針とESDに関する国際目標(2015 年に開始予定のESDに関するグローバル・アクション・プログラム/持続可能な開発目標<SDGs>)の指標作りに向けた基盤を提供している。 Remarks: English version: http://pub.iges.or.jp/modules/envirolib/view.php?docid=4966