The consideration of the full life cycle impacts of plastics (and substitutes) is mandatory to achieve sustainable solutions to end plastic pollution. This requires considerations of fossil-based and biobased feedstocks for plastic production, plastic chemicals and additives, plastic degradation pathways and intermediates, environmental impacts...
3件中 1~3件 (日付順)
SETAC Europe
A global agreement to end plastic pollution must be based on pertinent, multi-disciplinary knowledge. Considering the entire life cycle impacts of plastics and substitutes is essential to achieve sustainable solutions rather than shifting the burden. Hence, this process requires considerations of fossil-based and biobased feedstocks for plastic...
SETAC North America
A global agreement to end plastic pollution must be based on pertinent, multi-disciplinary knowledge. Consideration of the full life cycle impacts of plastics and substitutes is important to achieve sustainable solutions rather than shifting the burden. Hence, this process requires considerations of fossil-based and biobased feedstocks for plastic...