Asia-Pacific Adaptation Network

17件中 1~10件 (日付順)
An inductive approach for the evidence of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction synergies of interventions: Challenges and opportunities
Here are some takeaway messages from our work on climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) synergies of interventions. 1. There is an overwhelming agreement on and evidence for CCA and DRR synergies of DRR and CCA interventions respectively. CCA synergies were high when skill development and livelihood development activities...
Climate Change Adaptation in the Asia-Pacific Region所収
There is a growing consensus among the development community that the insurance can provide an effective risk management tool for climatic and non-climatic disasters. Several insurance initiatives have been implemented at grassroots level for reducing the vulnerability of communities to disasters in most of the countries in Asia and the Pacific...
Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum 2014, 1-3 October 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Insurance thus far has not gained its deserving attention as an effective post-disaster recovery tool though the actual role of insurance is always after the disaster. Several bottlenecks that hinder the efficiency and efficacy of insurance for long-term recovery are discussed including improper insurance price signals, contract design aspects and...
Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum 2014, 1-3 October 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Non-economic loss and damage have not been uniformly and sufficiently reported in various international and national disaster databases. There are challenges such as difficulty in estimating loss and damage and incorporating them in risk reduction decision making. The APN project aims to prioritize important non-economic loss and damage and...
Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum 2014,
Ainun Nishat, BRAC University
The entire coastal belt of Bangladesh was already suffering from salinisation, caused by development and worsened by climate change. It used to be a freshwater ecosystem three or four decades ago but we had a lot of development work in the upstream area, and freshwater was reduced or supply was stopped. Salinity went up - then came sea-level rise...
Prof. Dr. Tumurtogtokh Erdenetsogt
Dr. Oyuntuya Sharavjamts
Dr. Khandsuren Damba
Pilot training programs were conducted in Mongolia for Provincial food and Agriculture sector managers. The pilot tested training modules include ‘Agriculture extension staffs at provincial level’ and ‘Animal breeding specialists and farm business managers’. The trainees were evaluated before and after the pilot training programs and their...
The Asia Pacific Adaptation Network (APAN) was established in 2009 in response to the growing need for collaboration among different stakeholders engaged in climate change adaptation and related areas to build resilience of vulnerable human, ecosystems and economies to climate change. The network envisages achieving this through sharing knowledge...
This publication provides all the finalized training modules for agriculture officers in the countries of Bangladesh, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Mongolia and Nepal which are resultant of various stakeholders coming together under APAN led initiative and funded by APAN and APN for the last several years. Full reports supporting these modules are also...
Conference Summary International Conference on Adaptation and Loss and Damage: Integrating Scientific Aspects 30-31st August 2013, Bangkok, Thailand
The international community has progressively reached at a consensus that there will be residual impacts associated with climate change despite implementing adaptation and greenhouse gas mitigation and that there is a need to address these impacts in research and development efforts. Recognizing the importance of loss and damage, the COP18 that met...