In rural Ethiopia, small-scale farmers have suffered from recurrent extreme climate events, such as droughts, that have caused crop failures and the death of livestock. The Farmer Field School (FFS) approach is an agricultural extension approach considered to support climate-resilient farming and livelihoods. Focusing on an FFS project implemented...
29件中 1~10件 (日付順)
JICA Training Course "Development of Recycling Policy"
Yasuhiko Hotta acted as a lectuerer and commentator for JICA training course on "Development of Recycling Policy" organied in January 13, 2022. The course was organized as an on-line training course and participated by the participants from Kosovo, Palestine, Thailand, Samoa, Cuba, Egypt, Georgia, Micronesia, Vanuatu, and Tunisia.
Closing Event of JICA Partnership Programe on Solid Waste Management Project for Promoting Segregation and Recycling in Da Nang CityClosing Event of JICA Partnership Programe on Solid Waste Management Project for Promoting Segregation and Recycling in Da
Lessons learnt from the JICA 3R Partnership Project was presneted. Also, the possible ideas for the next phase of the project was presented.
Closing Event of JICA Partnership Programe on Solid Waste Management Project for Promoting Segregation and Recycling in Da Nang City
Outcome of three years project progress and issues remained for JICA 3R Partnership Project Between Da Nang and Yokohama from 2017-2020 was presented at the closing event of the project.
JICA Training on ‘Capacity building for development and implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions in Climate Change'
This presentation was made at the JICA training program on ‘Capacity building for development and implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions in Climate Change’. The objective of the session was to introduce principles, practices and strategies for promoting adaptation, adaptation governance, adaptation decision-making frameworks, and...
本基礎情報収集確認調査(環境面)は、バリアブンタウ省(BRVT省)において、環境に配慮した産業集積を実現するにあたって、環境面における現状と課題を把握し、対策のための具体的な提言を行うことを目的に基礎調査を実施したものである。 産業発展を実現するためには、多くの企業を誘致して生産活動を活発化させることが優先されるため、誘致促進や規制緩和などの対策が必要であるが、一方、環境対策を推進するためには、環境負荷の可能性が高い産業の誘致の限定や、企業にとって負担となる環境対策の実施、監視・規制の強化などを行うことが必要である。このように、産業集積と環境対策は一般的に相反する要素を持ち合わせているといえる。しかし、例えば、BRVT省と同様に重化学工業が発達している北九州市では...
The Project for Strengthening Institutional and Policy Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) Integration (termed as CN20 Project), which complies with the Concept Note (CN) 20 of the 21 Flagship and Priority Projects of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) Work Programme...
Both the full report and summary documents are attached. Recognising the need to integrate DRR and CCA into policies and institutions in The ASEAN Member States, JICA has supported implementation of a project on ‘Strengthening Institutional and Policy Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) Integration’. The...
This is the summary of the country drought risk reduction assessment done as a part of the JICA-ASEAN project on integrating climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction into institutional and policy processes (CN 20). The Philippines has made significant progress in understanding the El Nino and transferring the weather information to...
Although drought is not on top priority, El Nino and other localized drought events are warning signs for strengthening drought risk reduction in Indonesia. Drought risk reduction in Indonesia can be improved both at the macro and micro level. At the micro-level, even though the microfinance has been growing rapidly, it needs improvements in areas...