United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

9件中 1~9件 (日付順)
The Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor所収
Adaptation technologies are location- and sector-specific. The process of their development, transfer, and adoption are complex and are not usually guided by established market mechanism. At the local level, uses of adaptation technology are usually guided by coping or autonomous response to climate impacts. Adoption of appropriate adaptation...
Plastic pollution and marine litter is one of today's most serious emerging issues and without any countermeasures, the amount of plastic waste in the ocean will outweigh fish by 2050, posing a threat to the environment and our way of life. It is said that the COVID-19 pandemic has increased pollution from disposable products, such as plastic face...
Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific所収
In fast-growing coastal cities, dependable public transport, diversity of modes, and social inclusion are among several factors that contribute to resilient transport. However, these factors depend critically on whether key ridership segments are aware of the benefits of public transport. This article describes the effects of an awareness raising...
Unmanaged plastic waste poses a major socio-economic, environmental and health risk to urban and marine environments in the Asia Pacific. Each year South-east Asian countries produce 11.7 million metric tonnes of plastic waste, of which over 60% is derived from urban areas. Therefore a focus on effective city governance will be vital to tackle the...
Expert group meeting on establishing the ASEAN Resources Panel
As a follow-up to the 30th Meeting of ASEAN Senior Officials on the Environment last July, UNSCAP and ASEAN organized Expert Group Meeting on establishing the ASEAN Resources Panel on 18-19 December, at the United Nations Conference Centre in Bangkok. The recommendation to establish this panel has been featured in the report “Complementarities...
Asia-Pacific Tech Monitor所収
The brick industry is considered the industry of th epoor employing many low skilled workers in the Asia-Pacific region. Traditional kilns emit dark smoke which is harmful to the health of the workers as well as other people in the community. Upgrading the traditional kiln technology will improve the quality of life in brick producing communities...
IGES-NIES-UN ESCAP Policy Forum on Towards a Copenhagen Consensus: Opportunities and Challenges, 9-10 October 2008, Hotel El Inn, Kyoto, Japan
The Bali Roadmap, agreed in COP 13, has brought the adaptation financing and governance issues to the fore front. It also effectively liked the issue of climate change with disaster risk reduction indicating various measures to be taken in a future climate framework in order to reduce climate risks effectively. This presentation, made at IGES-NIES...
Review of the Implementation Status of the Outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development -
This paper was prepared by Dr. SVRK Prabhakar of the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES), for the Regional Implementation Meeting for Asia and the Pacific for the sixteenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-16), 26-27 November 2007 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Remarks: The original document can be downloaded from...