2022年11月30日に発表されたEUの2つの文書の概要を整理し、主なポイントをとりまとめました。 包装と包装廃棄物についての規則改定案(Proposal for a revision of EU legislation on Packaging and Packaging Waste) バイオベース・生分解性・コンポスト可能プラスチックについての政策枠組みに関するコミュニケーション(EU policy framework on biobased, biodegradable and compostable plastics) 2023年1月18日初公表
6件中 1~6件 (日付順)
The economic disruptions from the Ukraine war have intensified short term concerns about energy and food security, as well as access to critical minerals. Climate security is also increasingly urgent. This paper urges governments to speed up, not slow down, transitions away from fossil fuels and toward more sustainable development patterns. The war...
This short essay discusses the national policy development in Japan moving from a society based on mass-production, mass-consumption, and mass-disposal towards establishing a Sound Material-Cycle Society (SMC). It looks at how Japan has successfully created a local resource efficiency and regional vitalisation based on a harmonised approach toward...
The sound management of Health Care Waste (HCW) has been receiving increasing global attention, now even more so given the urgency of the COVID-19 pandemic. The spread of COVID-19 throughout Africa has significantly influenced the already overburdened Health Care Waste Management (HCWM) systems in many countries. A lack of infrastructure...
Circular Economy: Recent Trends in Global Perspective所収
Our longing for incessant and rapid economic growth came at a cost of inefficient and wasteful use of resources and environmental pollution. The consequences are immense and far exceeding the planetary capacities to regenerate itself at such a fast pace. It became clear that a transition to sustainable societies cannot occur with our current linear...