The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies organized "the SDGs Global Human Resource Program that Connects Learning and Society through Environmental Issues" in FY2024 under UNESCO Activity Grant by Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Total of seventeen university and graduyate school students...
9件中 1~9件 (日付順)
Global Sustainability所収
Environmental infrastructure is essential for the common good. Addressing sustainability crises and fostering environmental movements require accelerated deployment of environmental infrastructure. While such infrastructure is necessary, Not In My Backyard (NIMBY) attitudes have remained due to concerns such as air, water, and noise pollution. We...
環境経済・政策学会 2023年大会
Focusing on Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and the Philippines (with a share of around 75% of ASEAN’s total emissions), this presentation outlines the current status, and identifies the gaps and the prospect to achieve a high penetration of renewables for energy transition in ASEAN. Overall, the development of renewables is still at an early stage in...
農地において支柱を立てて上部空間に太陽光発電設備を設置し、下部空間では営農を継続しながら発電を行う営農型太陽光発電(ソーラーシェアリング)は、再生可能エネルギー導入量の拡大が見込めること、農業者の収入拡大による農業経営の改善や6次産業化の推進も期待できることから、政府として推進する方針が掲げられ、様々な制度で導入促進が図られている。 例えば、再生可能エネルギーの導入促進のために固定価格買取制度が導入されているが、営農型太陽光発電と野立太陽光発電で買取価格が区別されていない。しかしながら、両者は費用構造や事業リスクが異なり、導入によってもたらされる便益も異なることから、その性質に則して営農型太陽光発電の推進のための施策が導入されることが望ましい。...
The economic disruptions from the Ukraine war have intensified short term concerns about energy and food security, as well as access to critical minerals. Climate security is also increasingly urgent. This paper urges governments to speed up, not slow down, transitions away from fossil fuels and toward more sustainable development patterns. The war...
Energy Review: The Energy and Climate Observer所収
Development of renewable energy (RE) systems provides a practical solution to achieve a transition towards a low-carbon society. By replacing fossil fuel-based technologies and enabling access to clean energy through decentralised energy systems, RE can generate multiple synergies with achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), particularly...
China's Carbon-Energy Policy and Asia's Energy Transition: Carbon Leakage, Relocation and Halos所収
India has an ambitious renewable energy target for the decades ahead. However, the targets are faced with two critical impediments: (1) the lack of an internationally competitive renewable equipment manufacturing industry domestically and (2) the overdependency on external supply sources for equipment and machinery. The chapter finds that, despite...
In Japan, over 460 municipalities, so-called “Zero Carbon Cities” along with the national government have committed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to net zero by 2050. It aims to create ”domino effect”, in which the best performing Zero Carbon Cities knock down other municipalities to turn the whole country to be carbon neutral. Goto City, a...
Economics and policy of energy and the environment所収
In Asia, Vietnam is one of the countries severely affected by energy shortages and climate change. Development of renewable energy from livestock wastes, e.g., production of electricity from biogas, is a solution for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution from untreated livestock wastes, as well as energy shortages. So that, biogas...