Accounting for around 40 per cent of the world’s economy, 30 per cent of its energy demand and 25 per cent of energy system CO2 emissions, the G7 is called to play a leading role in building consensus towards implementing the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement. This policy brief argues for the urgency for the G7 to intensify its climate ambition...
8件中 1~8件 (日付順)
Since the 26th Conference of Parties (COP26) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2021, global society, including Asian countries, has entered the phase of how to implement a long-term transition roadmap to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). Given vital needs for the development in many Asian countries, a...
Dialogue Towards a GMS-wide Policy Platform for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management
We are experiencing a rapid increase in multi-dimensional risks. Risks that are highly interconnected across scales, sectors and regions. Unfortunately, the current risk financing regime is highly fragmented and lacks the perspective informed of multi-dimension risk reduction. Often, financing is targeting the ‘affected’ rather than ‘effector’...
This IGES Issue Brief is an update on policy developments related to sustainable finance in Japan between May 2022 and August 2022. The Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance under the Financial Services Agency (FSA) published the ‘Second Report by the Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance,’ outlining the progress of developments over the past year and...
Training Workshop: Blended practical solutions for sustainable lifestyle/sustainable foundries
The presentation raises awareness about the urgency for MSMEs to embrace sustainability. MSMEs’ sustainability is interlinked with the sustainable lifestyle of their employees and the surrounding communities. The presentation emphasizes that financing MSMEs’ journey to sustainability should be part of a Wholistic/inclusive approach to promoting a...
The 2nd Webinar on Introduction of Japanese Environmental Technologies in India
The presentation focuses on financing MSMEs in India. It provides a few recommendations to strengthen the Japan-Indian Technology Matchmaking Platform, established by IGES and TERI, to promote MSMEs' access to sustainable/green finance.
2021 年 10月 31日から 11月 13日にかけて、英国グラスゴーで開催された国連の気候変動枠組条約( UNFCCC)の第 26回締約国会議( COP26)および関連会議においては、これまでになく、途上国の気候変動対策を先進国が支援する「資金」(気候資金)への注目が高まった。本 IGESブリーフノートでは、 COP26で気候資金への注目が高まった背景や、締約国による国際交渉での主な結果と論点を解説する。また、気候変動の資金に関する国際開発金融機関( MDBs)や民間金融の動きが活発化したのも COP26で特記すべき点であり、これらの最新の動向やイニシアチブについても解説する。
The training material was provided as part of a training course held on 20 – 24 September 2022 under the Japan-Singapore Partnership Programme for the 21 st Century (JSPP21). The training course was related to the green economy. It was organized jointly by the Singapore Cooperation Programme (SCP) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)...