
5件中 1~5件 (日付順)
ISAP2023 - (AT-3) SEPLS Management as Integrated, Inclusive and Localised Actions towards a Nature Positive Society
This presentation was to set the scence for the session "SEPLS Management as Integrated, Inclusive and Localised Actions towards a Nature Positive Society". In the face of the environmental crises, we are required to take urgent actions. To move towards a nature positive society, this session aimed to discuss how the integrated, inclusive and...
ISAP2022 - TT11 Transformative Actions for a Nature-positive Society from SATOYAMA Initiative towards 2030
This is to frame the session, "Transformative Actions for a Nature-positive Society from SATOYAMA Initiative towards 2030. It emphasizes the need of transformative change and the potential contributions by the Satoyama Initiative towards a nature positive society to be realized by 2030.
Japan Environment Quarterly所収
In 2010, the 10th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP10) to the CBD was held in Japan (Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture). With the participation of 179 parties as well as relevant international organisations and NGOs, a new strategic plan for biodiversity, including the Aichi Biodiversity Targets was adopted for the 2011-2020 period. The Aichi...
European Urban Research Association. EURA 2021, Online Conference on Contradictions Shaping Urban Futures
Urban shrinkage contradicts the normative assumption of cities as growth machines. Shrinking cities are stigmatised as outcasts of urban systems, prone to high unemployment rates, low quality of life standards, and urban blight. Compelled by this dominant narrative of loss, planning responses have focused on reversing declining trajectories and...