This report was prepared by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) under the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) project "Analysis of Timber Legality Assurance Systems and Good Practices in China and Viet Nam for Sustainable Timber Trade''. This ITTO project was made possible by funding from the Japanese government...
8件中 1~8件 (日付順)
Tropical Forest Update 所収
Viet Nam has emerged as a globally important supplier of processed timber products, positioned as second in Asia and fifth in the world in export value. An ITTO-backed study has explored how to identify high-risk species in timber products exported from Viet Nam to Japan, including those using timber originating in other countries.
This report was prepared by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) under the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) project "Analysis of Timber Legality Assurance Systems and Good Practices in China and Viet Nam for Sustainable Timber Trade''. This ITTO project was made possible by funding from the Japanese government...
In China, the verification of the legality of procured wood has mainly been voluntary, with businesses exporting wood products to Europe and the U.S. conducting their own checks. However, since the revision of the Forest Law in 2019, the procurement, processing, and transportation of clearly illegally harvested wood is now prohibited, and violators...
The 2019 revision of China's Forest Law explicitly prohibited the handling of timber known to originate from illegal logging. This report analyses the state of implementation of this law based on interviews with some experts in China including government officers, an industry association and NGOs, as well as seminars, various websites, and...
Summary of two technical reports below to assist due diligence conducted by businesses importing timber and wood products from China. 1) Legislation and Other Initiatives for Legal Timber Trade in China 2) Status of Timber Legality Verification by Business Entities in China
ITTO Technical Report
Globally, forest plantation has become an important source for timber production and trade, and household tree growers, often smallholders, play a critical role in timber production. In Vietnam, plantations of Acacia spp. have emerged as an important resource for the Vietnamese forestry industry and exports, while supporting the rural economy and...
Teak in the Mekong for a sustainable future所収
Since the late 2000s, the global timber trade has undergone emerging legality requirements on imported timber products in major consumer countries. As a key country in supplying tropical hardwood, Myanmar's potential to participate in expanding regulated markets rests on its capacity to hold accountability for the legal origin of timber products...