本ガイドラインは、アジアの開発途上国の都市を対象に、有機性廃棄物の発生源での分別と、都市廃棄物処理施設における好気性発酵による堆肥化の活用を図ることに焦点を当てている。 またこのガイドラインは、堆肥化の妥当性を検討するための技術的知見をほとんど、あるいは一切持っていない地方の政策立案者や意思決定者を対象に、廃棄物処理の改善に向けての適切な戦略の選択肢としての堆肥化の導入について、その実現可能性の評価を支援することを目的としている。 このガイドラインは、 (1)堆肥化についてその長所と短所、および持続可能な堆肥化の立案のための技術的および非技術的側面について必要となる諸条件を始めとする堆肥システムの全体像を説明し、 (2)堆肥化プロジェクトの導入可能性を検討するに際して...
4件中 1~4件 (日付順)
Global Environment Outlook 6 For Industry in Asia-Pacific所収
Asia and the Pacific’s unrelenting industrial development has been a driving force in the economic growth of scores of countries in the region and beyond. This shift has led to greater prosperity, increased urbanization and sustained population growth. Yet as the region has become the “world’s factory”, it is increasingly realizing not only the...
The Final Strategy Formulation Workshop for the Development of Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan of Phnom Penh was jointly organized on 9 January 2018 by Phnom Penh Capital Hall (PPCH), IGES-CCET, and Nexus for Development, marking an important milestone for the development of city’s waste management policy. The workshop was the last step...
As a part of its wider outreach efforts to raise visibility of IETC and CCET as a collaborative project between UNEP and IGES, CCET has launched a website to communicate the organization, its mandate and operations, as well as to disseminate the knowledge products developed through its operations, with an expectation that it would evolve into an...