This paper provides good practice examples of strategies that governments have already implemented to contribute to a sustainable and resilient recovery from COVID-19 and to a longer-term redesign of their economies, which align with global goals and makes recommendations for further action. The target audience is national- and subnational-level...
10件中 1~10件 (日付順)
気候変動対策のための途上国への資金支援については、2009年の国連気候変動枠組み条約(UNFCCC)第15回締約国会議にて留意されたコペンハーゲン合意において、先進国締約国は2つの目標を打ち出した。一つは「長期資金」(LTF: Long-Term Finance)として2020年までに多様な財源から年間計1000億米ドルを動員すること、そして二つ目は「短期資金」(FSF:Fast-Start Finance)として2010年から2012年までの3カ年で計300億米ドルの「新規かつ追加的」な支援を動員すること、であった。 このFSFは、途上国における緩和及び適応対策に十分な資金を調達するための長い道のりの中の第一歩であった。FSF実施期間は、世界的金融危機の発生後であり...
This workbook contains data from a detailed review of the 2010-2012 fast-start finance (FSF) contributions of five countries reporting the largest FSF contributions (Germany, Japan, Norway, the UK, and the USA) and from a supplemental review of the remaining FSF contributions from 31 additional countries and the European Commission. The database is...
Developed countries committed to provide US$ 30 billion in new and additional climate finance between 2010 and 2012 under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This ‘Fast-Start Finance’ (FSF) was an initial step towards mobilising climate finance at a level that reflects the adaptation and mitigation challenges these...
This paper examines the development of the solar PV and wind industries across China, Germany, India, Japan, and the United States from 2001–2011. It takes a unique, comparative approach to track the policies and incentives put in place by these key competitors, documents the state of play in each market, and determines what policy strategies seem...
Japan’s fast-start finance (FSF) commitment is one of the largest amongst developed countries, but it is important to consider the contents of this commitment. Japan has played a significant role in global efforts to finance climate change activities in developing countries, and its FSF commitments account for almost half of the FSF that developed...