Sri Lanka faces substantial challenges in managing its Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), attributed to factors like population growth, urbanization, changing consumption patterns, and fast growth of industrial and service sectors. Alarmingly, only 37% of city and district centers in the country benefit from official MSW collection services. The use of...
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Solid waste management is a critical issue that affects both the environment and public health, posing significant challenges to communities and governments worldwide. In Cambodia, like in many developing nations, effective solid waste management is a pressing concern due to rapid urbanization, population growth, and industrialization. The rise in...
This study summarises ADB’s Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) commitment, including the financial sustainability of MSW management and ADB’s engagement in MSW management in the developing member countries (DMCs) over the last 20 years from 2000 to 2020. The study is based on an ADB portfolio review, as well as meetings and interviews assisted by a...
Dialogue Towards a GMS-wide Policy Platform for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management
We are experiencing a rapid increase in multi-dimensional risks. Risks that are highly interconnected across scales, sectors and regions. Unfortunately, the current risk financing regime is highly fragmented and lacks the perspective informed of multi-dimension risk reduction. Often, financing is targeting the ‘affected’ rather than ‘effector’...
Online Course on Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) towards Circular Economy
This event was organised as part of IGES-CCET’s collaboration with ADB on improving waste management and the circular economy in Asia and the Pacific. This online course was a capacity-building programme for Asian Development Bank (ADB) personnel and technical staff that aimed to provide them with the planning knowledge and skills needed to perform...
TA 9993-THA: Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture for Enhanced Recovery and Sustainability of Highlands
This presentation systematically describes various steps to be followed for developing a community-based adaptation plan to address the climate change vulnerabilities identified by the project team.
TA 9993-THA: Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture for Enhanced Recovery and Sustainability of Highlands
Highland agriculture is fraught with several challenges that are related to tough agroclimatic conditions, poor agricultural institutions and socio-economic conditions. Overlaid with these challenges is the rapid climate change that is projected in the highlands as the world highlands will experience more rapid warming than the rest of the world...
Annual Meeting of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Working Group on Agriculture (WGA)
This presentation argues that the Food-Water-Energy nexus should not be seen as plot levelel or a local level or a national level issue but it has roots beyond individual countries. Hence, the issue is broadly outside the purview of most stakeholders operating at this level. It demands a robust regional and international cooperation aided by robust...
In 2017, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) initiated a technical assistance (TA) project, Supporting Implementation of Environment-Related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Asia and the Pacific, to equip policy makers with the knowledge and tools to integrate SDGs 12, 14, and 15 and select environment-related SDG targets that have a direct...
ADB Conference on Community-based Disaster Risk Management and Adaptation
Lack of economic opportunity has been identified as one of the important bottlenecks for achieving development and empowerment as a result of which several financial inclusion projects and programs have been introduced globally in the past several decades. These financial inclusion instruments range between providing cash at hand to invest in...