- English
Chapter: (Chapter 24)

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, together
with a range of Multilateral Environmental Agreements
(MEAs), set an ambitious long-term vision for the universal
pursuit of sustainable development through economic, social,
environmental and institutional transformation (Chapter
20). Although progress has been made in managing some
environmental problems (e.g. ozone depletion, acid rain), overall
global agreements and associated policies have not been able
to bend the unsustainable trajectory. Without new policies and
effective actions, the ambitious sustainable development vision
will not be met (Chapter 21).
Options for bending the prevailing trends do exist. Moving to a
sustainable path requires a mix of technological innovations,
lifestyle changes and local, regional, global and decentralized
solutions with stakeholder engagement, at an unprecedented
pace of change (Chapters 22 and 23). The potential from
efficiency improvements and emission reductions are far from
fully exploited, yet because of rebound and growth effects,
it is questionable that they will be sufficient. More disruptive
and transformative changes, including new social practices,
seem necessary. This chapter discusses promising innovative
approaches and transformative, effective policies that will help
to attain the goal of a Healthy Planet, Healthy People.
- English
Chapter: (Chapter 24)